I feel like existing caching methods fit my needs, but this looks like it could be very helpful for high load situations.
I wonder what this will do beyond Django's standard pagination
Mail throttling, scheduling, etc. in Django
A very clear and understandable breakdown of Django signals
I just learned the basics of Django signals. This helped.
Because the occasional project requires the stereotypical grunge font
Filed for future mockup flourishing
I really wonder if this email address encryption for display on webpages works.
Bookmarked so I can quickly get to James' code highlighting snippet
Relatively new local issues and entertainment site for Knoxville. I did the initial design, and the Metro Pulse staff did some great illustration to make the structure look even better
This will help me move djangofriendly.com and ryanberg.net to WebFaction's (relatively) new mod_wsgi support
Speculation that Steve's apparent weight loss is a common occurrence in the aftermath of pancreatic tumor removal, and not related to a virus or worse, another bout with cancer itself
If I read this correctly, the Journal World is no longer the owner of Django. There's now a non-profit headed by Jacob Kaplan-Moss that has control. I can see a potential downside, but overall this should be a great move to help Django grow.
Singing and dancing stuffed animals. Minus stuffing, fur, and clothes.
This story would only be better if instead of baking Mozilla a cake, Microsoft baked stronger standards-compliance into their browser. Yeah, yeah. They're working on it I know.
Awesome spoof of Ray Romano doing a cover cd commercial.
Might have to let this manage my Firefox versions so I don't get extensions issues when I attempt to test pages in Firefox 2
Database of flash-embedded fonts for use in sIFR. Includes code to copy/paste to use the font with sIFR. I haven't tried this yet, but it could make my life a lot easier the next time I get the chance.
Great use of artwork accompanying content to make readers want to dive in.
© 2007-2008 Ryan Berg // Built with Django // Hosted on WebFaction