I've learned a lot about Javascript and jQuery this year, but Klaus' article breaking down Javascript coding conventions is a reminder that I have a lot left to learn
I give the same advice: The most rewarding and sustainable SEO is creating content worth linking to and properly spreading the word.
I'd been writing my own registration code based on email addresses for a side project, but the flexibility of James' newest codebase should allow me to quit wasting my time
A short set of slides discussing the myth of the fold when designing for the web
The next time you're designing a UI, consider user myopia. You might be surprised just how myopic your users can be. Think long and hard about placing things directly in front of them, where they are not just visible, but unavoidable. Otherwise they might not be seen at all.
JSLitmus is a lightweight tool for creating ad-hoc JavaScript benchmark tests...
Without GeoCities as my early sandbox, I might not have ever played enough with HTML and the web as a kid to be to now be an adult who makes his living from the web. And I still have a lot of fun doing it.
© 2007-2008 Ryan Berg // Built with Django // Hosted on WebFaction