NYT: Facebook to add classifieds

Well, it’s official. Facebook is entering the free classifieds market, and college newspapers should be shaking in their boots. The NY Times article quotes Facebook as saying that 60% of its users log in at least once a day. Here at KU, at least 80% of students have to be on the network (31,703 in the Kansas network - this is greater than our actual enrollment). Do some math there, and there’s an instant competitor to college newspaper offerings. More on this once the product is out and I can use it.

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Here are a few of the things I noticed in the five minute run around:

It immediately dropped me to marketplace items in Knoxville. In craigslist this is 2-3 extra clicks.

It seems to be geared toward a more college aged audience, but since facebook is now wide open I suspect that'll change

facebook marketplace creates an instant swap meet with all your friends. And your friends' friends. 'oh! Carol is selling her awesome blue couch that was sooo comfy at that party! Let's buy it!' I mean talk about welcome to the (shopping) social.

It's hip. I mean come on, NO ONE wants to buy newspaper classifieds anymore...

I liked where Hawkchalk was going, in fact it was awesome that you guys went out in front like that, but here are some stark numbers: Users of hawkchalk: enough, not enough as you'd like, but still good Users of facebook: cripes! my World Lit and Comp professor is on here!

/me whishes I had as many friends as Mark Zuckerberg

May 14th 2007, 4:45 p.m. by Jay

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